Noticias | Blog
Latest-est news | 02.12.10
We were attacked by leprechauns! Actually not. It would seem that in the last database import some of the user registers where lost. We are terribly sorry for the inconvenience but if you register in the last half year, please register again. It’s free.
Woa! Its been a while | 18.09.10
Its been 4 months since the las post, the updates haven't been uploaded, nore finished. But there are some stuff that are already up, like a little preview of the new desing for a couple of Predator for mugen, their work in progres names are...
ArielAleXCo goes NET | 22.05.10
Now we will enter more to the www2 world's interactivity, in a net system and a multi-host form. A great deal of the design and content is going to be migrated to that Domain, and will have a more corporative look.
Yet 5 new videos | 21.05.10
5 videos more for the portfolio. Now they are for a sonora santanera concert, and other two are for the site of Verificacion Vehicular that wanted some funny commercials to attract people, so we took the most know cars of al times...
5 Brand new videos | 08.03.10
Yet another 5 videos that I produced during 2009, I was going to put them once a week again, but some people actually noticed that I wasn't punctual putting the links. Last time the videos where already uploaded, but...
2010's First | 22.02.10
A lot of stuff has happened lately that have made me delay the updates... the reason for the ilustrative image of the post is because some months back watching at the Bayonetta's areal gameplay I’ve had a glimpse of a possible change for...
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